Distributor & supplier of steel located in Kab. Tangerang. Sells angle iron, concrete iron, iron pipes, galvanized pipes, stainless steel pipes, iron plates, stainless plates, galvanized plates, bordes plates, strip plates, hollow iron, assental iron and other products.
Hollow is a construction material in the form of a box or rectangle with a cavity in the middle so that its shape resembles a pipe and is often also called a box pipe. Compared to wood material, hollow iron has several advantages in terms of quality, for example it is not eaten by termites, looks sturdier and stronger, and is able to reduce hot air temperatures better. Hollow iron also has many uses in the world of construction and industry, such as for making pole, beam and column structures, this iron can also be used for canopy frames, fences and railings as well as many other functions of this hollow iron.
Hollow iron generally has a length of 6 meters for each rod with varying box sizes and thicknesses.Get further information about hollow iron and other products by contacting our marketing via Whatsapp or telephone on the number listed on our company website.