PT. Menara Sinar Timur ​sells galvanized pipes, iron pipes, stainless steel pipes, various plates, angle iron, concrete iron, wiremesh, CNP iron, UNP and various other products at low prices so they can compete with others.Galvanized pipe is a type of iron pipe that has been coated with zinc material so that it can protect it from rust or corrosion. Galvanized pipe itself has various very important functions, such as being applied to the outside of a building because of its high level of resistance, such as for water pipes, and can be used to protect electrical cables from damage and corrosion.
Advantages of galvanized pipe
Galvanized pipes have an anti-rust coating so we don't need to worry about corrosion or rust problems. Apart from that, this pipe also has quite high resistance. Unlike PVC pipes which are fragile and break easily, this material is very strong because it is made of steel. Another supporting factor is that this material is very reliable for long-term use and the price of this pipe is not expensive if you look at the advantages and benefits of this pipe.For further information regarding galvanized pipes and other products, you can contact our marketing via Whatsapp and telephone at the numbers listed on our company website.